
  • Garland, J. and Gregg D. (2018) ‘Low Complexity Multiply Accumulate Units for Convolutional Neural Networks with Weight-Sharing, presented at HiPEAC, the European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation Conference, 21-23 January 2019, Valencia, Spain.
    • @PROCEEDINGS{HiPEAC2019POSTER, author = {{Garland}, J. and {Gregg}, D.}, title = “{Low Complexity Multiply-Accumulate Units for Convolutional Neural Networks with Weight-Sharing}”, publisher = “HiPEAC, the European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation”, year = 2019, month = January, day = 23}
  • Garland, J. and Gregg D. (2017) ‘Low Complexity Multiply Accumulate Unit for Weight-Sharing Convolutional Neural Networks’, presented at the Thirteenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES 2017), 9-15 July 2017, Fiuggi, Italy.
    • @ARTICLE{ACACES2017POSTER, author = {{Garland}, J. and {Gregg}, D.}, title = “{Low Complexity Multiply Accumulate Unit for Weight-Sharing Convolutional Neural Networks}”, publisher = “HiPEAC, the European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation ACACES 2017”, year = 2017, month = July, day = 12}